Cleansing & Protection

Spiritual cleansing importantReasons to do spiritual cleansing

It can be easy to notice when negative ambiances linger in your life although it may take you a long time to think about solving it. Yes, it’s true your state may be clean and organized but still have negative atmospheres. This may not only be in you but your home or house too. Are you new or familiar with spiritual cleansing? Have you heard of protection against any bad cloud or negative energy? However, in this article, I am going to explain to you what spiritual cleansing is, why and how it is done.

What is spiritual cleansing?

Before I go on with spiritual cleansing into details, I must first make an introduction to what it is in a layman’s understanding. Spiritual cleansing is a means to remove bad energies or aura that are believed to cause unhealthy and negative emotional effects from the body.

It is also a way of looking at your problems and confronting them from a different angle by just eliminating them than fighting them. So spiritual cleansing is a way to self-renew, is a way to normalize, a way to let bad go it’s way, to self-relieve and among other related spiritual emotions.

Every tradition has this common ritual with different names. For instance, in my region, we say “Kwejako”. To those who are familiar with spiritual cleansing, one can never talk about it without mentioning the word Aura. Everyone exerts his or her own Aura. Your aura is the holding place of your spiritual self. Aura absorbs your feelings or emotions. Be mindful that your Aura changes according to your state in that environment. Therefore, no spiritual healer can do spiritual cleansing without attempting on your Aura.

Why to practice spiritual cleansing

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This is a way of healing. Well, it is not any medical treatment meant for physical, mental or emotional illnesses; this is a mystical way of getting rid of negative energy, dark spirits, disturbances, or any other of such of that sort. As someone who has practiced traditions for a long time, I see the importance of spiritual cleansing as crucial and should be part of life. Cleansing should be embarked on with issues that normally affect the consciousness and characters of a person. Such problems can take longer procedures to be solved so it is better to use body cleansing that will remove every negativity and blockage from you.

You don’t have to be a gifted psychic or sorcerer to do this ritual for yourself on your own, but you have to follow the guidelines and procedures on how it is supposed to be done. By the fact, that if you do it well, the results will be positive for you.

Spiritual cleansing is essential for:

  • Before starting a new business
  • Insistent financial problems or difficulties
  • Getting over a divorce (feelings of hurt, guilt, fear, shame, anger, resentment and sadness can be hard to get rid of and can easily manifest in physical problems)
  • At the start of building a new house
  • Before entering a new house or home
  • Persistent love or marriage problems
  • Negative or Bad energy, a feeling of bad vibes or lack of well-being in a home or workplace
  • After a sudden problem
  • To remove a persistent feeling of negative, heavy energy surrounding you

Some signs you need Spiritual cleansing

  • If You find yourself pealing through your negativity with Misery feelings as your company
  • Your friends don’t want nor seek to be around you.
  • You try as much as you can to be more mindful when speaking, but you seem not to help yourself, a word comes abruptly from you. That you even regret why you said it.
  • You are ever a hurt pain. Or worse. Worried every time
  • People who are happy piss you off. Nor do you even want to hear the word “joy.”
  • You shy away from prayer, meditation, anything inspirational.
  • Nor do you sleep well. You’re having bad dreams
  • You are ever victim in some circumstances that you or other people don’t like.
  • Ever bored, you feel you lack something you don’t know.
  • You easily forget
  • You find pleasure in other people’s misfortunes
  • Get problems every time such as in business, studies or relationship
  • You ever loose among the many people. Ever among the last people in any competition.

How to do spiritual cleansing

Here I am going to show you how to do spiritual cleansing.

You can do spiritual cleansing in different ways. You may decide to it yourself and it is easy. Spiritual cleansing can be done on the body, properties, and family. Among the properties can be (cars, house or home, computer, or any other thing). You may do for all or for only yourself (spiritual body). The decision of what to do the cleansing on depends on the signs and what exactly do you want to attain or remove.

There are many ways of doing spiritual cleansing, such as egg cleansing, Spiritual baths with salt, Lemon Ginger cleansing, and among others that I may write about later.

Egg cleansing some times called egg reading

These steps should be followed keenly or carefully to get rid of any bad karma. This method is not complicated at all. Anyone can do it. You just need to have few requirements as listed below.


  1. 1 or 3 eggs
  2. A white candle
  3. A glass of water(not a plastic cup)
  4. Salt


Light the white candle first and let it burn if possible until it extinguishes by itself as you do the cleansing.

Start the ritual cleansing from your head while beckoning (words of request) that all the negativity you carry to be absorbed by the egg. Be calm and rub the egg all over your body from head to toe as you say out those words, all your negative energies to be absorbed by the egg. When you are done, break the egg into the glass with water, so you can look and find what’s wrong(read the egg)

After the Egg Cleansing

You can read the egg. Look at the egg yolk suspended in the glass of water to see if there are any signs, anomalies (like blood or objects) or other indicators of the energies removed during your cleansing. After reading the egg, dump the water(egg & water) into the toilet and flush it or into the latrine and let it flow with water.

It is expected that you will get the results immediately but If the cleansing results weren’t successful or you still feel blocked, repeat the process again for a series of 3 to 9 days.

Cleansing on property

House cleansing

Wealthy cleansing

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