What is to put a root on someone?

bring back lost lover, meaning of roots, How to put roots on someone

How to put on a man or woman. Putting roots on someone means to cause supernatural powers effective on that person. First of all, root means “emirandira in my tribe. Roots are part of the botany that give plants support from the ground. Spiritually, the word root means attaining privileged control over something or someone. Putting roots can be for love, money, or any other witchcraft practices. Perhaps, it does not matter where you are actually performing it from, but it only matters how you are doing it.

However, in this article, you are going to learn how to put roots on someone for your reason.  This includes the use of spells, witchcraft, voodoo doll, black and white magic.

How to put roots on a person to make them love you

How to put roots on someone, what does it mean to put roots on someone, Put roots on someone, How to Put Roots On Someone To Make Them Love You, putting roots on someone, how to put roots on a man, how to do voodoo on someone, how to put a spell on someone, can you put roots on someone, someone put roots on meIt is very crucial that I begin with love and relationship. This is because love rounds the whole world and controls people’s hearts. The Idea of trying to influence any person for your malicious intentions goes against the ethics of witchcraft practitioners and magicians. So one must be very careful because the witchcraft prepared to try to make someone to do something they don’t want, is not good. Don’t just test spells or witchcraft on someone because spells you want to see how it works. No! don’t test!!.

Spells are real and they work. Use them for a specific purpose you have examined. Love roots should be used with the intent that the occurrence will only be in accordance with a greater good. That is; you are helping something to happen but not to force it maliciously.

How do you know if someone put roots on you

It is not always clear for humans to know the signs although there are some that can be identified. Identification involves revealing the magic type or witchcraft used on or against you.

Some few types of black magic have hidden or unknown symptoms for most humans such as psychological instabilities, or health issues, or even social or emotional breakdowns. Although, most depend on how good or mastery is the spell caster.

Nowadays, it is very hard and rare to find one real or genuine black magic master who can put roots on someone. The bad news is nearly most spell casters are fraud or fake or hallucinating and the good news is; yes black magic or witchcraft exists and there are few trustworthy people who can do it effectively.

Signs someone put roots on you

In life, we strive to surround ourselves with good and caring people. Despite our better judgment, malicious people may work their way into our life. These may be armed with the knowledge or interest of harming you with witchcraft or putting roots on someone or you. These cruel individuals can disorganize your life be it in love or finance or your mood. It may be difficult to tell if you were put on roots, but as time moves, you may realize it although everything you owned will have gone.

So If you start to suspect anything affecting your string of bad luck, you too should opt for witchcraft or spells to return the bad energies to their sources or cleanse them.

I have practiced witchcraft for quite many years and I have solved issues of putting roots on someone. Below are some of the signs you may know that someone put roots on you;

  • Sudden Relationship Issues
  • Financial Trouble
  • Health Problems
  • Changes in Your Appearance
  • And among others not mentioned

Methods to put a root on someone

You may practice it through the use of Incense, voodoo doll, spells, and others. Here I have written about how to put roots through incense only. Follow love spells or other witchcraft to read about these respective types. Otherwise, with incense; you mix all requirements to make one perfume you will be using. Say out what you want when spraying the perfume on yourself. However, below are the incense ingredients

 Love incense, to attract a lover or love a friend

  1. ½ part acacia
  2. 1 part rosemary
  3. ¼ part Elder
  4. ½ part Frankincense Resin
  5. 1 part dogwood
  6. Few drops of lemon and verbena oil

NB: This is like trying to increase your Charisma or charm to attract specific or desired people. You do it by planting a root to them such that their minds are bent towards your intentions. Besides attraction, this ritual will also make them fall in love with you. Thus put roots on someone

Draw strength in a relationship with the love incense

  1. 2 part sandalwood
  2. ½ part Basil
  3. ½ part Bergamot
  4. Few drops of rose oil
  5. Few drops of Lavender oil

NB: Here you create more love, passion, and joy in the relationship. For relationships that seem to be loose or on the verge of breaking or those relationships that never experience any happiness, here is the best way to go. this only applies if you want to practice it on your own. Perhaps you are also free to get in touch with me that I can use my powerful witchcraft accompanied by the special powers to put roots on the person you love.


2024 Remarks By Doctor Okello

“Experience the Power of the Universe with Professional Help in Summoning”

Summoning the powers of the universe can be a daunting task that requires a certain level of capacity and expertise. But don’t worry – it’s our gifted work. As a professional with experience in summoning voodoo powers and other supernatural energies, I can help you achieve the results you desire.

Don’t struggle alone when you can have a skilled expert guide you towards success. Let me do what I do best and influence the supernatural to change your situation. Contact me today and experience the power of the universe firsthand. Let me help you unlock your true potential and achieve your goals.

8 thoughts on “PUT ROOTS ON SOMEONE”

  1. Christina

    I think my boyfriend has a root put on him from his ex she has family from Haiti and has told him and threatened to do magic on him or get her grandmother to. Hes been having nightmares since he left her, wakes up every night at 3am bc of the dreams, loosing his items like ID, becoming very angry or moody even when he tries saging and meditation. Ive do e white magic but never dealt with Voodoo. Please help

    1. Mutuusa

      Contact me through whatsApp +256779876491 or email on my contact page that we can have a one on one conversation.

      1. Shoney

        I need to remove black magic or roots.

        1. Mutuusa

          You can WhatsApp me on +256779876491 and I get more information about you

  2. This woman has put a root on my son and I can feel it. She’s sneaky and a liar but my son doesn’t seem to see her ways. everyday she uses her soft voice to discretid me as she appears so soft and angleclic. She’s very jealous of me and is passing off her child as his own. I know for a fact that the child doesn’t share our DNA please help me.

  3. Shaneka

    My ex is with a new chick we just had a beautiful babygirl she’s only 1 month and they been dating for about a month as well . I feel like she has put roots on him because he’s not the same person anymore he doesn’t even acknowledge our child . This woman always comes first when I was pregnant and the 5 years of us dating he was a good man now I don’t even know him

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